By Angelo Lopez Magtoto on August 12, 2024

IFV Quarterly Backup

Backing up the Bulkmetrix, PLC Code, and Profibus is done quarterly (March, June, September, and December). It is important to have a backup in case of an emergency like a sudden server failure or any hardware-related problems (HDD/SSD corruption, power supply loss, etc.) that could render the production in a critical state, affecting the business and work of the client.


Must have access to TITUS SUPPORT DETAILS.

Steps to take:

Step 1: Open RDP and access with the provided credentials.

Step 2: CAUTION: Upon accessing the server, don't try to close any apps. If an app pops up, don't close it. Be careful with each step, especially when using keyboard shortcuts. Minimize any unneeded apps if they pop up as much as possible.

Step 3: Open File Explorer and go to the path: D:\BulkMetrix\Site-Vietnam\ using the search path below the menu (Home | Share | View).

Step 4: After going to the path, select and copy all these files with the specific file types:

Vietnam - Application

VietnamBargeLoading - Application

gcaConfig - Configuration settings

Startup - Configuration settings

SysVariables - Configuration settings

Vietnam-Matrix - Configuration settings

Vietnam-Site - Configuration settings

Copy of deployment77 - XML Document

deployment - Copy - XML Document

deployment - XML Document

Vietnam - XML Document

Vietnam_BKUP_05July19 - XML Document

Vietnam_MaltBinDeploy_Backup - XML Document

Vietnam-OLD - XML Document

Note: Back up the 2 application files and all of the Configuration settings and XML Document.

Step 5: Now go to the path D:\BulkMetrix\Backup\ and create a folder with the name format MONTH-DAY-YEAR-BulkmetrixBackup (e.g. 08052024-BulkmetrixBackup if you backup on August 05, 2024. Adjust the file name accordingly).

Step 6: Then in the 08052024-BulkmetrixBackup folder, create 3 folders, the first one is named Bulkmetrix the second is named Fuji PLC, and the third folder is named Siemens. Enter and go to the Bulkmetrix folder and paste the copied files from Step 4.

Step 7: To back up the PLC Code, don't exit the current RDP session from Step 1. Now open Remote Desktop Connection inside the server on Step 3 and access the server with the IP address and port number Connect with the provided credentials.

Step 8: There should be a program that is running called SX-Programmer Expert(D300Win) which shows the PLC Code. Confirm that it is running by clicking the green icon in the menu above with the title "Project Control Dialog." The State must be 'Run' which indicates it is running fine.

Step 9: Now click File -> Save Project As / Zip Project As and then when saving the file, make sure to change the "Save as type" to Zipped Project files (*zwt) as for the file name format, it should be IFV_MONTH-DAY-YEAR_Backup.zwt (e.g. IFV_08052024_Backup.zwt if you back up on August 05, 2024. Adjust the file name accordingly).

Step 10: Open Windows Explorer and navigate to directory D:\Matrixgroup\Current_LIVE_PLC\ and then select the zipped file from Step 9 and paste it back to the previous server ( from Step 1 in the path D:\BulkMetrix\Backup\08052024-BulkmetrixBackup\Fuji PLC\ (Refer to Step 6).

Step 11: No go back to the server ( from Step 7 and open Windows Explorer, navigate to directory D:\Matrixgroup\Current_Profibus and then copy the file Profibus_24_10_2018-SILO.pb and then paste it back to the server from Step 1 in the directory D:\BulkMetrix\Backup\08052024-BulkmetrixBackup\Fuji PLC\ (Refer to Step 6).

Step 12: Now close the RDP session from the server On the server, open another RDP session on the server with the IP Address of Connect with the provided credentials.

Step 13: Upon accessing the server, open the app Tia Portal V15.1 from the desktop and open the recent project. Then click Project on the menu and then click the option right above the Exit to open the latest project (C:\PLC Code\Current).

Step 14: Once the latest project has been opened, click Project -> Archive on the menu and then change the target path to C:\PLC Code\backup, and then save it with the file name format of IFV_MONTH-DAY-YEAR_Backup (e.g. IFV_08052024_Backup if you backup on August 05, 2024. Adjust the file name accordingly).

Step 15: Copy the archived file to the server in the path D:\BulkMetrix\Backup\08052024-BulkmetrixBackup\Siemens\ (Refer to Step 6).

Step 16: VERIFICATION: The folder from Step 5 should have a folder with the name Bulkmetrix which contains the copied file from Step 4, and it should also have a second folder with the name Fuji PLC which contains the copied file from Step 10 and Step 11, and lastly a third folder with the name Siemens that contains the copied archive from Step 15 (3 folders)

Step 17: Once all the needed files are copied, go back to the folder created in Step 5 and Right Click -> Send to -> Compressed (zipped) folder. Change the file name of the zipped file to MONTH-DAY-YEAR_IFVBackup (e.g. 08052024-IFVBackup if you back up on August 05, 2024. Adjust the file name accordingly). Copy the zipped file and paste it to your local machine. Make sure to upload a copy to your Google Drive as well.

Step 18: Close any RDP session and with that, backing up files is now done. Update the Project Tasks in the ERP upon confirming to the client that backing up Bulkmetrix, PLC Code, and Profibus is now done.

Ensure that the production is still working after backing in case there was a mistake in the steps (eg. accidentally closing a program in the server, etc.).

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