By Administrator on October 18, 2022


HMWS Vision Release Update 2022

SoftwareHMWS VisionVersion4.7.524
Release Date02-JAN-2022Change numberHMWS-VIS-RN-4.7.524


  1. Customer Portal Production Performance
  2. Details Page tab colors

New Features and Enhancements

Customer Portal Production Performance

On the customer portal dashboard, customers may now see the weekly average turnaround time per flow/department. The turnaround time is computed based on the time elapsed between receiving a customer’s PO to the time of shipping the product. This allows customers to plan ahead their orders based on the turnaround times. This could be seen on the menu on the left and clicking Production Performance.

The data represented in the charts are from PRO1, PRO2, and MFA WOs that are DONE. When hovering on a bar, the user may view more detailed stats which are:

  1. TAT (Turn Around Time) – This is the days between the WO's earliest PO created and its last shipment date
  2. Min – This is the lowest TAT within the week range it is on
  3. Average – This is the average TAT within week range it is on
  4. Max – This is the highest TAT within week range
  5. Count – This is count of WOs that are done within week range

  1. It is important to note that the week range can be found on the x-axis of the chart while the number of the work orders are found on the y-axis of the chart

 Figure 1. MFA production performance

Figure 2. PRO1 Production performance

Figure 3. PRO2 Production performance

Details Page tab colors

The tabs found on the details page will now be configurable by administrators. This allows the users to easily link a color to a certain tab. This will be for easy association with what color is what tab and its functionality. This functionality is only currently available on the new details’ page look.

Figure 4. Sample Work Order configurable

There are also changes to the tab names in the Work Order details page. The Files tab has been renamed to Attachments. The Timekeeping and Transactions tabs placement have been switched. The Work Order details page will have the tabs’ color as follows:

Figure 5. Work Order details tabs color

On the Product details page, the Files tab has also been renamed to Attachments and has been moved before the history tab. The reservations and stocks tabs have been switched over.

Figure 6. Products details page

For further information and questions, please contact

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