By Administrator on October 18, 2022


HMWS Vision Release Update 2021

SoftwareHMWS VisionVersion4.3.232
Release Date22-FEB-2021Change numberHMWS-VIS-RN-4.3.232


New Features:

  1. Exclude products in stock in Generate WO
  2. Parts Order Minimum Stock Level
  3. Product Bulk Processing: Added Apply Parts Order Minimum Stock Level column
  4. Job List Screen and Fields
  5. Manual entry of Supplier Orders and Supplier Order Rows
  6. Product File Attachments


  1. Order Summary screen
  2. Order Details screen
  3. Parts Picking form
  4. Lacking Parts
  5. Work Order Print
  6. Lacking Parts Print
  7. Shipping Invoice Print
  8. Generate WO
  9. Stock Take
  10. Upload Man-hours
  11. Lacking Parts email notification
  12. Supplier Order Rows Export
  13. Data migration

New Feature Details

1. Generate Work Orders: Products that are in stock will not be sent to manufacturing: for these Vision will generate Dummy WOs to pick manufactured products that are in stock.

2. Parts Order Minimum Stock Level

  1. The Parts Order minimum stock level can be set on the settings page

  1. There are new fields in the Products’ details related to Minimum Stock Level for Parts Order (See highlighted rows)

  1. The picklist is modified to show if a part is below the minimum stock level with a warning stated below

3. Product Bulk Processing: Added Apply Parts Order Minimum Stock Level column

4. Job list

  1. Added “Intended For” fields in the Work Order

  1. Parts Picking related fields added in the Work Order details (See highlighted rows) 

  1. Job List Screen on the Menu
  2. Link:
  3. Includes new Job List specific fields


  1. Purchase Order: lists all POs with their customer PO# in parenthesis and with Allocated Quantity and Contact Person in the tooltip

  1. Product Name Column added, previously only Product Column shown (Product Code)

  1. Customer: lists all customers from the allocated POs and with Company Long Name in tooltip

  1. Intended for WO and Intended for Product: for child WOs show the highest-level parent WO and Product (the one that is allocated to the PO)

  1. Latest ETA, Number of Lacking Parts and Material Cost (USD)

5. Manual entry of Supplier Orders and Supplier Order Rows

6. Product: File Attachments allows any type of file to be attached to a Product

  1. Uploading any file by clicking “Upload File” in the main toolbar
  2. Any file or image can be selected and uploaded to a Product

  1. Files uploaded can be downloaded by selecting the row and clicking the “Download” button


7. Purchase Order and Customer PO# fields in Purchase Order Row (See highlighted rows)

8. Notifications filtered by email type for Contact Persons: Contact Persons will only receive the email notification if they have that type of email address defined

 9. ETA tooltip in Purchasing Sheet: the ETA will be updated if there is an update in Parts Picking

System Enhancements and Improvements

  1. Updated Lacking Parts sheet to only include confirmed lacking parts
  2. Improvements in Order Summary and Order Details screen
  3. Improvements in the usability of Parts Picking form
  4. Improvements identifying Lacking Parts
  5. Improvements in Work Order Print, Lacking Parts Print, and Shipping Invoice Print
  6. Improvements in some error messages to replace the data name to a hyperlink
  7. Improvements in Stock Take

Production Issues Fixed

  1. Fixed Upload Man-hours error for files and product names with special character. (ticket # 380)
  2. Fixed export in Supplier Order Rows collection
  3. Fixed old Picklist data with invalid ETA

For further information and questions, please contact

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