By Administrator on October 18, 2022


HMWS Vision Release Update 2022

Software HMWS VisionVersion 5.0.653
Release Date 03-OCT-2022Change number HMWS-VIS-RN-5.0.653


MRF Details

  1. Bugfix: MRF Production Area value was blank in Details page

Job List

  1. Clicking the Export button multiple times can cause the whole system to slow down

Supplier Purchase Order

  1. Bulk Upload should use the ADJUSTED FOR THE SUPPLIERS MOQ column

Work Order

  1. Allow only a specific list of users to nprint a work order


  1. Show PO#, Customer PO# and Customer in Product-Reservations
  2. Change the default value of Replenish field to Order as Required


  1. Metabase

New Features and Enhancements

MRF Details

Bugfix: MRF Production Area value was blank in Details page

Figure 1: Production reported that the Production Area field for the MRF does not have a value

The value was stored on the MRF, it was just not shown on the Details tab.

Fixed for all cases:

Figure 2: An MRF that is not yet finalized

Figure 3: MRF Return

Figure 4: MRF Request

Figure 5: MRF Generated by WO cancellation

Job List

Clicking the Export button multiple times can cause the whole system to slow down

To prevent this, we have put in place the following limitation: each user can only Export the Job List once every hour. They will see an error message for every subsequent click.

Figure 6: Error messages shown for multiple clicks of Job List Export 

Supplier Purchase Order

Bulk Upload should use the ADJUSTED FOR THE SUPPLIERS MOQ column

Previously the system was reading the “QTY REQUESTED TO PURCHASE” column.

It will now read the “ADJUSTED FOR THE SUPPLIERS MOQ” column.

Work Order

Allow only a specific list of users to print a work order

A new “PrintWorkOrder” role was added, only users with this role are able to print Work Orders. 

The change does not limit the printing of MRFs.


Show PO#, Customer PO# and Customer in Product-Reservations

PO#, Customer PO# and Customer will be shown in the Reservations collection of Products.

Since Child WOs don’t have a PO Row directly allocated to them, we will show the PO info associated with their “Intended for WO”.

Figure 7: PO#, Customer PO# and Customer shown in the Reservations collection of Products

Change the default value of Replenish field to Order as Required

Previously, the default value of the Product: Replenish field was “Do Not Reorder”.

The default value is now “Order as Required”.

The value of the Replenish field can only be changed by a user with the new “PurchasingManager” role.

 Figure 8: Product Replenish field defaults to “Order as Required”



Metabase was updated from the 0.41 version to the latest 0.44 version, which includes:

  1. Redesigned navigation, homepage and collections (folders)
  2. New features: bookmarks, events and timelines
  3. Enhanced date and time filtering

You can find more details in their official blog:

The “Metabase 0.42” and “Metabase 0.43” blog entries even include small demo videos.


For further information and questions, please contact

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