By Administrator on October 18, 2022


HMWS Vision Release Update 2022

SoftwareHMWS VisionVersion5.0.645
Release Date11-SEP-2022Change numberHMWS-VIS-RN-5.0.645



  1. Allow logging time on any task in a WO flow for Harness Manufacturing

Product Category

  1. BOM Upload field default value as BOM and TMH Upload MANDATORY in PRO1/2

Work Order

  1. When splitting a work order, the parent’s entered on date will be carried over
  2. Bulk updating of shipment dates for work orders is now enabled for CustomerServiceManagers

Lacking Parts

  1. ETA Upload is allowed for Purchasing Staff
  2. Reporting
  3. Stock Arrivals
  4. Roles

New Features and Enhancements


Allow logging time on any task in a WO flow for Harness Manufacturing

Workers can now log time against ANY of the tasks in Work Orders that are finalized into one of the following Harness Manufacturing flows:

  1. Battery Cable v02
  2. Braided Wire
  3. Coaxial Cable
  4. Connector Grease
  5. Harness Enclosure
  6. Overmolded Cable
  7. PRO1
  8. PRO2
  9. Replacement Harness
  10. Uni-Switch Conversion

Figure 1: Allow logging time on any task in a WO flow for Harness Manufacturing

This is in addition to MFA flows that already allowed this since Vision 4.5:

  1. MFA(Brackets)
  2. MFA(Decal)
  3. MFA(HMA)
  4. MFA(HME)
  5. MFA(Molding)

Product Category

BOM Upload field default value as BOM and TMH Upload MANDATORY in PRO1/2

When creating a product category, the default value for BOM Upload which determines if the user needs to upload a BOM file in order to proceed with parts picking, is now set to “BOM and TMH Upload MANDATORY in PRO1/2”. This will now be applied to Product Categories where the BOM Upload field is not yet set.

Figure 2: Product Category BOM Upload default value

Work Order

When splitting a work order, the parent’s entered on date will be carried over

When splitting a Work Order, previously, the entered on will be blank. When splitting work orders now, the entered on of the parent will now be carried over to the children. This is because allocation of incoming stocks for confirmed lacking parts in SUI Inspection is based on the Entered On date of the WO. This will have the children of split work orders be included in that list.

Bulk updating of shipment dates for work orders is now enabled for CustomerServiceManagers

Bulk updating of shipment dates for work orders is now enabled for CustomerServiceManagers. The user may export a list of work orders for their shipment dates to be updated and upload the updated file using the Bulk Update Shipment Date button found in the work order screen.

Figure 3: Work Order Bulk Update Shipment Date

Lacking Parts

ETA Upload is allowed for Purchasing Staff

The button for bulk updating of ETAs is now enabled for purchasing staff. The purchasing staff may now upload the excel file with the updated ETAs into the system.

Figure 4: Lacking parts screen Update ETAs button


Stock Arrivals

The Stock Arrivals screen is now in Metabase at the following link (under the Inventory folder):

It shows two lists:

  1. Stock Arrivals: SUIs that have not yet been inspected, with the Reservations waiting for those parts
  2. Stock Receivals: SUIs that were inspected, but the Transactions were not yet Completed

Figure 5: Stock Arrivals

The old Stock Arrivals screen in Vision is no longer available.

PO Aging and TAT

A PO aging and TAT report is now available in metabase. This shows how long a purchase order has been completed or if a purchase order has not yet been processed.

The report shows a chart of the count and age of not fulfilled POs and POs that are fully shipped. A table is also shown below to view the details shown in the charts.

Figure 6: PO Aging and TAT report

WOM Profitability

A Theoretical BOM Cost (USD) field is now added before the Material Cost (USD) field. This field is used in the calculation of the Theo Job cost (USD) which replaces the Material Cost which was previously used to calculate the field.


Figure 7: WOM Profitability Report


Added a User-Role Matrix in Metabase at the following link (under the Vision folder):

This report shows the users in each Department, their Manager flag (set to true or false) and for each role they have, a “1” is shown in the matrix.

This will allow HMWS to perform periodic security audits and make sure that users are only assigned the roles that they actually need.

Figure 8: Roles

For further information and questions, please contact

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